In spirit of the day, I switched up some of my blog topic days (yes, I cheated).
So day 24 is to list 10 things I am grateful for.
- Thee husband. He has been the greatest thing to happen to me and I am so completely blessed to have him in my life.
- My mommie. She has always been there and stood up for me. She's stayed strong even when she had every right to break. She's my constant inspiration.
- My pups, Bentley and Gabbit. I absolutley love my babies. They make me smile when nothing is going right. They know how I'm feeling and know exactly what to do to make everything great.
- Having a job that I truly enjoy. This in itself is a pure blessing. With such a difficult economy we have and to be able to have a job that is local, that I enjoy going to everyday, and that I feel I am doing a good job is better than I could ever ask for.
- My family. I am so lucky to have such a loving family. I know I don't get to see them all the time but I am so grateful for them and all they do for me.
- My Heavenly Father. I am so thankful to know that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants nothing but the best for me. I know he will never give me a challenge that I can't handle. I am so lucky to know that he will always be there for me.
- My savior, Jesus Christ. I am truly blessed that I have an older brother who was willing to die for me so that I would be able to obtain the blessing of eternity and be able to return to my Heavenly family.
- A warm home to return to each day. I love being able to have a warm home to return to every day that I know is full of love and all the things I care about.
- My friends. I have been blessed with friends that have supported me through everything I have been through.
- My life. I am so grateful for my life. I have been truly blessed with how everything has turned out for me. Things that could have broken me has made me stronger. Everything has worked out for me."Everything is okay in the end. If its not okay, then its not the end."
I hope you have all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with your families!!