Sunday, November 6, 2011

Scrumptious Sundays: Tomato, Avocado, & Mozzerella Salad and a Shirley Temple!

So I'm planning on posting a new recipe every Sunday as a "Scrumptious Sundays" series.

This isn't necessarily new, if you followed my old blog, but I tweaked it a bit to make it please my taste buds.

This tomato, avocado, and mozzarella salad is so delicious.

I cut up 2 small tomatoes.

Added a handful of mozzarella pearls.

Drizzled in a delicious balsamic dressing.

Then tossed in 1 avocado diced.

I then made myself a delicious Shirley temple.

Added a little bit of orange juice.

Filled the rest with Sprite.

And then added a splash of Grenadine.

Such a colorful and tasty treat!


Bentley Bender turns 1!

So today (Nov. 5) our basset baby Bentley Bender turned 1! Happy birthday Bentley!!

There goes my hero.

Day 6 wants me to state my favorite super hero and why. Well I'm not much into "super heros" but I do have an answer. My husband, Tyler, is my super hero. He has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. He is my "Dark Knight" in shining armor. I love him with all my heart!

Gloucester Mass.

I'm horrible. I know haha. So day 5 is supposed to be a picture of somewhere I've been. My favorite vacation I've had was going to Massachusetts with my mom when I was 16. It's just the most beautiful place I've ever been. I love it there and I can't wait to go back.


Day 4 had been troubling for me as I have many bad habits and thats what it wants me to talk about. I finally figured I'd discuss my poor self esteem. I have always been hard on my self. Never felt good enough. All that stuff. Recently I have been trying to work on that by trying to be happy with everything i have and to let the opinions of others not bother me. Heres a quote I found that I really like.
Hope you enjoy.
Loaves and fishes!!